What is the difference between nodes, projects, checklists and how do they each work?

How do each of these three work? How do they show up on the Next Action list? What is the functional difference between them?

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Let me prepare a help article on this to have it as a single point of truth.
I’ll post an update here when it is ready.

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looking forward to it!

oh, and also Actions!

This is the article: Understanding Node Types in TaskScale.net

Please let me know if it needs more detailed explanations. And I will add some screenshots later on.

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Yes, it needs some more details: I have a few questions.

Can any node anywhere in the outline be any of those 4 types?

In a parent-child node relationship, can you have any combination of the 4 types for parent and the 4 types for child, or are there restrictions on which types of nodes can be child nodes for which other type?

How are nested levels of Projects, Actions, and Checklists handled with the Next Action list? That is, if I have a project with subprojects, a project with actions that have subprojects, a project with actions that have subactions that have subprojects that have subactions, and so on, are all the subactions and subprojects at all levels candidates for the Next Action list?

And what about Checklists - do they only appear in Next Action if they are the child of a Project? What if they are the grandchild, etc. of a Project? What if they are the child of a Project, but that Project is itself a subproject of another Action or Project, etc?

In general you may set any node type in any location, with a couple exceptions:

  • all the Checklist’s children and grand-children are Checklists
  • Action node type is assigned automatically

Regarding Actions there is also a simple rule: only immediate children of a Project are Actions. Whatever level of Project is.

I have some ‘projects’ where the project-description is just the only task.
Like: ‘Call car repairshop’
But I don’t see them in my ‘Next Actions’-list.
How will I be reminded of them?

Thanks, but I didn’t get an answer to what I asked earlier, regarding the Next Action list:

How are nested levels of Projects, Actions, and Checklists handled with the Next Action list? That is, if I have a project with subprojects, a project with actions that have subprojects, a project with actions that have subactions that have subprojects that have subactions, and so on, are all the subactions and subprojects at all levels candidates for the Next Action list?

And what about Checklists - do they only appear in Next Action if they are the child of a Project? What if they are the grandchild, etc. of a Project? What if they are the child of a Project, but that Project is itself a subproject of another Action or Project, etc?

There is a simple rule: the first Action of a Project is the Next Action. On whatevel level the Project is.

@Sergio say a Project has four children, all of which are Nodes and none of them Actions. But one of the Nodes has a child that is an Action. Will the grandchild Action be the Next Action?

A Node’s child can not be an Action. Only children of Project are Actions.

@Sergio thanks!

What if a Project has two children, the first is a Checklist, and the second is an Action. Which will be on the Next Action list?

Checklist will be the Next Action.

I don’t understand this question

Hi Sergio,
how will the be handled then?:

I have some ‘projects’ where the project-description is just the only task.
Like: ‘Call car repairshop’
But I don’t see them in my ‘Next Actions’-list.
How will I be reminded of them?

As of now you can add a Project and a single Action under it.