How do I... - GTD features I'd like to be able to have

How do I see all Projects that don’t have a Next Action assigned?

How do I label something as “Waiting For”?

How do I give something various tags/labels (other than the red/orange/yellow priority tags)?

How do I define Next Actions at various sub-levels and sub-sub-levels of the hierarchy?

How do I designate something as an Action?

How do I see a list of all Projects?

Some of the items are already implemented and some are planned.
Let me address each one here:

How do I see all Projects that don’t have a Next Action assigned?
That is not yet implemented.

How do I label something as “Waiting For”?
Not implemented. For now can be defined with tags.

How do I give something various tags/labels (other than the red/orange/yellow priority tags)?
You can add a tag by typing #tagname inside the node’s text. You can then search tagged items in the search-box. This functionality will be extended. We are also planning to add labels or similar functionality.

How do I define Next Actions at various sub-levels and sub-sub-levels of the hierarchy?
The first incomplete child of a Project is a Next Action. You can turn an action into a Project, then it becomes a sub-project. I will create a more detailed description in the Help soon.

How do I designate something as an Action?
Direct children of a node of type Project are Actions. Children of Action node are of type Node (not Action as it was in GTDNext).

How do I see a list of all Projects?
Not implemented yet

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Really looking forward to this one as it is important for doing GTD reviews, and I’m also really looking forward to being able to see a list of all projects and a list of all actions!

By default? Or always? Can this be changed?

By default. But you can turn an Action into a Project or Checklist when needed.

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What about a Node?
Can any of the types be a child of any other type (so 4 x 4 = 16 possible parent-child combos)?

Except the Checklist. Children of checklist are always checklists or checklist item.

Any word on these features being implemented?

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This might be a dumb question but how do I get something to be a Next Action. I have 200+ items, projects and sub-projects, and nothing comes up as Next Action.

Hello, welcome to the forum!

It might not be intuitive at first.
In TaskScale you need to make a Project out of node. Click on the three-dot button next to the node text and select: Turn into Project.
Then the first item inside the Project goes to the Next Actions list.

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thank you @Sergio I see it now

when using tags, and I search using #TagName, everything on the same branch as the tagged item shows up. Is this correct?


Oops, sorry, missed the reply.

Yes, the search just lets you locate where the node is in the outline, and navigate to it.