How do I... - GTD features I'd like to be able to have

How do I see all Projects that don’t have a Next Action assigned?

How do I label something as “Waiting For”?

How do I give something various tags/labels (other than the red/orange/yellow priority tags)?

How do I define Next Actions at various sub-levels and sub-sub-levels of the hierarchy?

How do I designate something as an Action?

How do I see a list of all Projects?

Some of the items are already implemented and some are planned.
Let me address each one here:

How do I see all Projects that don’t have a Next Action assigned?
That is not yet implemented.

How do I label something as “Waiting For”?
Not implemented. For now can be defined with tags.

How do I give something various tags/labels (other than the red/orange/yellow priority tags)?
You can add a tag by typing #tagname inside the node’s text. You can then search tagged items in the search-box. This functionality will be extended. We are also planning to add labels or similar functionality.

How do I define Next Actions at various sub-levels and sub-sub-levels of the hierarchy?
The first incomplete child of a Project is a Next Action. You can turn an action into a Project, then it becomes a sub-project. I will create a more detailed description in the Help soon.

How do I designate something as an Action?
Direct children of a node of type Project are Actions. Children of Action node are of type Node (not Action as it was in GTDNext).

How do I see a list of all Projects?
Not implemented yet

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Really looking forward to this one as it is important for doing GTD reviews, and I’m also really looking forward to being able to see a list of all projects and a list of all actions!

By default? Or always? Can this be changed?

By default. But you can turn an Action into a Project or Checklist when needed.

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What about a Node?
Can any of the types be a child of any other type (so 4 x 4 = 16 possible parent-child combos)?

Except the Checklist. Children of checklist are always checklists or checklist item.

Any word on these features being implemented?

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